This Android application is a Student Book and Teachers Guide Book for Studying with Your Friends in...
This Android application is a Student Book and Teachers Guide Book for Studying with Your Friends in Mathematics for Elementary School Class VI - Volume 2 for Elementary School Class 6 Independent Curriculum. In Pdf format.The "Learning with Your Friends" series aims to develop students learning Mathematics by and for themselves with a comprehensive, appreciative understanding and further expansion in the application of Mathematics. Mathematical discoveries are a valuable treasure of mathematicians and sometimes such heuristic activities are considered not a matter of learning for students in class, because someone believes that only great people can discover them. This textbook series provides a breakthrough response to this misunderstanding by showing students to understand new learning content using previously learned Mathematics.For this purpose, textbooks are prepared for future learning as well as reflecting on and appreciating what students previously learned. In this textbook, each chapter provides the necessary foundation for subsequent learning. At each study time, if students study Mathematics sequentially, they can imagine several ideas for new, unknown tasks/problems based on what they have learned. If students follow the sequence of this book, they can solve previously unknown tasks/problems, and appreciate new discoveries, discoveries using what they have learned.In case, if students find it difficult to understand the current learning content in the textbook, it means they are missing some key ideas contained in previous chapters and/or classes. If students review the learning content shown in a few pages in the textbook before studying, it provides them with the necessary foundation to make the learning process easier. If teachers only read pages or assignments to prepare for tomorrows lesson, they may misunderstand and violate the use of this textbook because it does not convey the basic nature of this textbook which provides a sequence to provide understanding on previous pages or classes.The phrase "Study with Your Friends" is used in the context of this book, meaning providing good classroom communication between students. Understanding other people is not only the content of learning Mathematics and logical thinking but also the content necessary for the formation of human character. Mathematics is a necessary competency to share ideas in our lives in this AI Digital Era.“Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others” is not only a goal in the United States but also demonstrates the competency necessary for Mathematical communication in this era. The editors believe that this well-sorted textbook provides an opportunity for good communication in Mathematics learning classes among students.Hopefully this application can be useful and become a loyal friend in the teaching and learning process at all times.Please give us reviews and input for the development of this application, give us a 5 star rating to encourage us to develop other useful applications.Happy reading.Disclaimer:This Student Book or Teachers Guide is a free book whose copyright is owned by the Ministry of Education and Culture.Material sourced from We help provide these learning resources but do not represent the Ministry of Education and Culture.